Latina Entrepreneur and CEO of Malva Comunicacion, Mery Sanchez, Shares Valuable Tips to Succeed in Business

Latina Entrepreneur and CEO of Malva Comunicacion, Mery Sanchez, Shares Valuable Tips to Succeed in Business

Mery Sanchez is an exceptional entrepreneur and an influential mentor in the marketing and business industry in Latin America. As CEO and director of Malva Comunicación, a company specializing in empowering entrepreneurs and brands to succeed in the competitive business marketplace, Mery has left an indelible mark on the entrepreneurial community.

In 2018 I created the first online School of Entrepreneurship in Argentina (and then in Latin America) and more than 20,000 women have passed through all its editions,” Mery recounts.

What motivated Mery to start her business? The answer is simple but powerful: the desire to help others take off and shine with their talents and aspirations. 

You just have to have the right tools and a mentality that is resistant to difficulties, which there will be, but you can always endure,” Mery says.

Before starting her business, Mery was part of the corporate world. However, soon she chose to share the valuable tools and knowledge she had acquired in the entrepreneurial world.

Part of what Mery shares with others includes what she has identified as five fundamental challenges facing those who want to start a business and how to overcome them:

1. Planning and strategy: Establishing a solid business plan and a clear strategy is essential. This involves researching and understanding the competition, defining the market, and setting realistic goals.

2. Financial resources: Lack of financing is often a significant obstacle. Mery emphasizes the importance of financial education and proper management of resources.

3. Marketing and advertising: Getting the word out about a business and attracting new customers is a challenge. Mery stresses the need to develop an effective marketing strategy and to teach how to sell effectively.

4. Time management: When starting a business, one faces multiple tasks and responsibilities. Efficient time management becomes essential to prioritize tasks and maximize productivity.

5. Adapting to change: The business world is constantly evolving, so it is crucial to be willing to adapt and learn continuously.

Mery also stresses the importance of mindset in the business world. In her opinion, mindset is fundamental to success. Working on mindset, overcoming limiting beliefs, and acquiring the necessary tools are essential steps on the road to achieving entrepreneurial goals.

We think we are limited and conditioned but we are not. Never in a moment in history have we experienced such prosperous times for entrepreneurship and setting up our businesses with the help of social networks. However, many people are still down for not working on their mindset. The abundance mentality is not only related to economics. Of course, we all want to be prosperous. But when there is a desire to win, the very desire that drives us drives us to have abundance in all areas of our lives,” Mary explains.

Looking ahead, Mery has many exciting projects in the works. She is writing a new book, plans to speak at conferences in 2024, continues her successful podcast “The Life That Awaits You,” and continues to train sales and marketing teams for Fortune 500 companies.

What sets Mery apart from her competition is her friendly approach and sincere desire to help people improve and achieve their goals. In addition, she has been recognized for her outstanding work in the U.S. Latino community, which reflects her commitment to the success and prosperity of others.

Ready to turn your dreams into reality and achieve business success? Follow Mery Sanchez’s example and start your journey to success today, dare to be an entrepreneur and transform your life!