The FBI director says that the bureau's evaluation of the origins of the covid-19 indicates that it was probably a laboratory incident

The FBI director says that the bureau's evaluation of the origins of the covid-19 indicates that it was probably a laboratory incident

FBI Director Christopher Wray acknowledged Tuesday that the Federal Bureau of Investigation believes the Covid-19 pandemic was likely the result of a laboratory accident in Wuhan, China.

In his first public comments on the FBI’s investigation into the origins of the virus during an interview with Fox News, Wray said that “the FBI has assessed for quite some time that the origins of the pandemic are likely a possible laboratory incident in Wuhan.”

Wray’s comments come just days after news broke of the US Department of Energy’s “low confidence” assessment that Covid-19 likely originated from a laboratory leak in China, underscoring a split in the US government, while a majority of the intelligence community still believes that covid arise naturally in the wild, or that there is still too little evidence to make a judgment one way or the other.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued a 2021 report that revealed that the National Intelligence Council, along with four other unnamed agencies, assessed with little confidence that the initial covid-19 infection “was likely caused by natural exposure to an animal infected with it or with a close parent virus”.

Intelligence agencies can make assessments with low, medium, or high confidence. A low confidence assessment generally means that the information obtained is not reliable enough or is too fragmented to make a more definitive analytical judgment or that there is not enough information available to draw a stronger conclusion.